Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in eGovernment Brochure
Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in eGovernment comes as reaffirmation of His Majesty’s vision to transform the sultanate and create a Knowledge Society in Oman. Information technology and communications have now become the main elements that move forward the development process in the Third Millennium, and the attention given by His Majesty – may God protect him – to create a national strategy to develop the Knowledge and skills of citizens in dealing with information technology is remarkable.
This Award aspires to make a qualitative transformation in the field of eGovernment services by honoring digital projects that deliver exceptional innovations and achievements in the field of information technology.
The Award aims also to appreciate excellent performance by applying international standards in evaluating the degree of development in eServices and supporting the strategy of e.oman as well as strengthening IT and Telecommunications in the field of economic, social and cultural development.
The Award instigated in 2010 shall be managed and supervised annually under Information Technology Authority (ITA) patronage. All government institutions are eligible to participate in the award and compete For its prizes. This Award serves as recognition and appreciation for the institutions that use information Technology to enhance their performance and fulfill all the needs of the citizens, to save time, effort and cost in carrying out all the governmental transactions through eliminating inefficient and unnecessary practices And procedures, implementing the best suitable solutions to facilitate the attainment of services, developing The means of communicating and exchanging information within the government institutions and enhancing The quality of performance.